5 years after tragic accident, Texas couple announces engagement and goes viral

5 years after tragic accident, Texas couple announces engagement and goes viral. Facebook reproduction
5 years after tragic accident, Texas couple announces engagement and goes viral. Facebook reproduction

They had been dating for only a week when she suffered a serious accident and he saved her. Now, 5 years later, they’re engaged.

Alan Mann and Brooklyn Boyer, from Texas, USA, were both 17 years old and had only been dating for a week when a tragic accident changed their lives—but only made their love story stronger.

It all happened in June 2020, when the couple was swimming with friends and Boyer hit her head on the bottom of the pool, causing a spinal cord injury that left her paralyzed.

Her boyfriend, who had lifeguard training, immediately pulled her from the water and began first aid until paramedics arrived.

Speaking to KCBD TV, Mann recalled the moment he saved his girlfriend: “That day was tough, but looking back on everything, all the good things and blessings that came from it, it’s truly amazing to look back and feel like God was with us the entire time.”

Boyer underwent a long recovery process, and throughout it all, her boyfriend remained by her side—even when she doubted their relationship could withstand so many challenges.

“I told him I would understand if he didn’t want to keep dating or anything like that, just because… I don’t know, I wasn’t naïve about it—I knew not everyone can or wants to go through this—but he never left my side,” she told the local station.

Now using a motorized wheelchair and attending college, Boyer continues to reach small milestones in her rehabilitation.

In the beginning, she couldn’t even lift her arms, but now she’s able to sit behind the wheel of a car and is determined to walk again someday. Mann believes in Boyer’s strength and is always there to celebrate her progress.

Now, five years after the accident, the two are closer than ever. Recently, Mann proposed to Boyer, she said yes, and they haven’t stopped smiling since.

On the Facebook page created for Boyer (Brooklyn’s Walk), where followers can track her journey and recovery, the bride-to-be shared every detail of the special moment.

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